
2009-10: Worked on distributed cycle sharing for grid and peer-to-peer environments. Including the development and deployment of a comprehensive middleware solution encompassing the following activities: adaptation of commodity applications, job creation and scheduling, resource discovery in structured and hybrid p2p networks, security policies enforced by an RBAC-based policy engine for controlling resource utilization, and overlay network management. (Work within the scope of the POLIGRID and GINGER projects.)

2010-11: Continued my previous project on high-performance computing and distributed cycle sharing, and also started to work on massive scale systems capable of handling vast quantities of data, with special focus on novel consistency models for data geo-replication in cloud computing. (Work within the scope of the PROSOPON project.)

2012-13: Have been working on cloud columnar data stores and data-intensive computing. Specifically, studying and developing mechanisms to enforce data-based QoS on workflow management systems, which includes machine learning and statistical analysis.

All of these projects have been supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) through the PIDDAC Program funds (INESC-ID multiannual funding).

Research interests: parallel and distributed computing, including grid, peer-to-peer, and cloud computing; massive scale software systems for big data; data/workflow management; network security; exascale computing; and other few from the bioinformatics field, like bacterial data encoding.

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