Miguel Neves Pasadinhas

Policy-Based Adaptation of Byzantine Fault Tolerant Systems

Tese submetida para provas de mestrado em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa.


Malicious attacks, hardware failures or even operator mistakes may cause a system to behave in an arbitrary, and hard to predict manner. Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) encompasses a number of tech- niques to make a system robust in face of arbitrary faults. Several BFT algorithms have been proposed in the literature, each optimized for different operational conditions. For that reason, adaptive systems able to adapt BFT systems to the current operational conditions have been proposed but unfortunately all lack expressive mechanisms to specify adaptation policies. Other systems provide expressive mechanisms to specify those policies however lack important abstractions for BFT systems' adaptation. Considering this context, in this thesis we present an adaptation policy specification language that targets Byzantine fault tolerant systems. In addition, we present a robust engine that, given a policy written in the proposed language, is able to decide the best adaptations to guide a managed system in a path of accordance with its business goals.


Policy-Based Adaptation of Byzantine Fault Tolerant Systems
Miguel Neves Pasadinhas
MSc Thesis. Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa.
November, 2017.
Available BibTeX, MSC Thesis, and extended abstract, and mid-term report.
Adaptação Guiada por Políticas de Sistemas Tolerantes a Faltas Bizatinas.
M. Pasadinhas, D. Porto, A. Lopes and L. Rodrigues.
Actas do nono Simpósio de Informática (Inforum), Lisboa, Portugal, Oct. 2017.
Available BibTeX, extended report (pdf).

Luís Rodrigues