Liliana Wu Freitas Rosa

Co-advisor: M. Lopes

Self-management of Systems Built from Adaptable Components

Thesis submitted for the PhD in Computer Science and Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade Técnica de Lisboa


Self-management allows a system to manage its own behavior autonomously, guided by system goals and relying on feedback of the system behavior. The main challenge to self- management is the growing complexity of software systems. Today, systems are heterogeneous collections of di↵erent services, technologies, and software components, which transforms the manual management of such systems in a complex, tiresome, and error-prone task. This thesis proposes a conceptual framework and modeling primitives for the self- management of systems built from both distributed and non-distributed components that can be adapted. The approach relies on knowledge from both system designers and component de- velopers to manage the system. This knowledge is the base of a goal-oriented solution to control the system behavior, according to the execution conditions and load. As a result, it becomes possible to optimize the system performance and maintain the desired behavior, while easing and automatizing the system designer task. Furthermore, the proposed approach also addresses the challenges of adapting such systems by proposing a solution that leverages on reconfiguration strategies. The evaluation of this work in a main case study: a web based system, with both distributed and centralized components. The evaluation explores di↵erent aspects of the approach. It allows to analyze the performance and scalability of the approach, and how the distribution is handled. The obtained results show that not only the approach is able to provide the necessary adaptation support to manage the system, but it also reduces the complexity of the tasks performed by the system designer.

Selected Publications

Self-management of Systems Built from Adaptable Components
Self-management of Systems Built from Adaptable Components
PhD Thesis. Departamento de Engenharia Informática, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
December, 2012.
Available pdf.
Self-management of Adaptable Component-based Applications
L. Rosa, L. Rodrigues, A. Lopes, M. Hiltunen, and R. Schlichting
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
in the IEEE DL
Goal-Oriented Self-management of In-memory Distributed Data Grid Platforms.
L. Rosa, L. Rodrigues, A. Lopes..
In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2011), Athens, Greece, November 2011.
(short paper)
Available BibTeX, abstract (html) and report (pdf).
From Local Impact Functions to Global Adaptation of Service Compositions
L. Rosa, L. Rodrigues, A. Lopes, M. Hiltunen, and R. Schlichting
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS 2009), Lyon, France, November 3-6, 2009.
Available BibTeX, abstract (html) and report (pdf).
Building Adaptive Systems with Service Composition Frameworks
L. Rosa, L. Rodrigues, A. Lopes
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Distributed Objects, Middleware, and Applications (DOA), Algarve, Portugal, November, 2007
Available BibTeX, abstract (html) and report (pdf).

Luís Rodrigues